
A mostrar mensagens de 2023

A Bird with wings

A bird with wings, placed inside an enclosed space, with other birds that have never flown or seen, will quickly question itself what the wings it has are for, and will probably never learn what flying is and what it's like.


  And so, i just leave. I didn't say a single word, not a turning back, to look one last time. There's some beautiful, unforgettable, amazing places on Earth, but that was not my beach.

If God is watching

Yes, some say that God is watching, but if he's watching, he's doing nothing. It's simply inconceivable on this actually Human civilization state level, that some have to fight the War, with War, for justice, for their own freedom, and the right to survive as a Nation, against murderers, who truly believes they can kill thousands of innocent lives, steal and plant mines on land, assured that no one will do anything to help.Yes, if God is watching, he's doing nothing. It is Men, who live here, who fight here, who die here, It is their brave Men, who will have to fix i

The unexpected

Em pleno verão chove e faz frio aqui. Talvez não devêssemos começar a esperar estações climáticas regulares, como a Vida, como o Amor, e apenas aproveitar os momentos inesperados. In the middle of the summer, it's raining and it's cold here.Perhaps we shouldn't start to expect regular weather seasons, like Life, like Love, and just seized, the unexpected moments.