
A mostrar mensagens de 2022
  Life, is made by ,ups and downs, like the waves at the sea. Not a single sunset is equal, to the previous day one.


Estamos sempre com pressa, mas andamos sempre atrasados


If, you are a person or a group, or a person inside a group, and you think and act like you are superior to another Human, diferent from you on the skin color, even if you are the most unbelievable singer with a stunning voice or voices, you deserve nothing, absolutely nothing! If, you are a person or a group, or a person inside a group and you are unable for compassion for another Human being, unable to touch him with your heart, rather than your disgust, you are unfit to be Human, and you deserve nothing, absolutely nothing! No one borns racist. It has to be learned.
The sadness is there, fortunately, not too deep. The sadness is need, for pure inspiration dance  moments, not because it should be, but because sadness, doesn't want to be forgotten.
  Be careful of what you wish for, who you Love, what you dream for, who you care about. Sometimes, you don't want what you have found.


When you go ordinary, and stay ordinary, you just disappear, among the ordinary People.
Oh yes, I forgot to mention, there will be a dance show in a normal Theater, but you'll not be there dancing, because you're not invited. There's some places where you just don't fit, and you won't fit, even if you try hard, giving your best.
O que significa ter paz, quando dentro de nós travam-se a cada momento batalhas intensas física e mentalmente, e das quais o resultado, pode decidir,  e pode  fazer depender a nossa sobrevivência e a de outros: São as decisões certas quando estamos a conduzir e tem de ser feitas às vezes em décimas de segundos; É o nosso corpo em luta eterna com as bactérias e os vírus. A paz, mesmo, é provavelmente um momento no tempo, um instante, em que nos convencemos de que não estamos sempre em guerra, quando estamos.
Negacionistas do covid; Negacionistas da guerra na Ucrânia; Os extremos tocam-se, na ignorância da estupidez.


The world was already changing, but now with these tragic events, it has really changed, and almost everything or nothing will go back to the way it used to be. Here, there is no longer any place for tyrannies, despots and autocrats, and Peace is a sine qua non for the advancement and progress of Humanity towards the future.


Partem porque têm de partir, seja por doença, por acidente ou pela idade avançada, partem, porque têm de partir. Não são só as pessoas boas e más. Nos filmes e nos livros até é bonito: Fazem aqueles longos discursos, aquelas frases para relembrar sempre, mas na realidade, muitos nem adeus dizem; Num momento estão aqui e no outro já não; Assim tão estupidamente simples e são todos, sem exceção. Há coisas que podemos mudar, mas muitas ultrapassam-nos e no final se reduzem ao que nós somos: Simplesmente humanos; E temos de fazer o que melhor, temos de dar o melhor no tempo que nos é dado aqui; Dançar, tocar musica, correr, conhecer o Mundo, tudo, tudo o que nos faça felizes sem magoar outros, porque cabem todos aqui, os que cá estão e os que partiram , na nossa memória.


Maybe Happiness in Life, is so simple, and that simplicity confuses some of us. Happiness, is just  to be here, and be able to enjoy the time we have.
On contemporary dance, forget about the rules. There's no rules, no limits of wath you want ,and you can do. Don't be a prisioner of yourself. Free your mind!
 Life, is made by ups and downs, like the beat of your Heart.

New old start

To be able to start all over again, is not for everyone. Some just give up, some, never won't.  


It's not easy to see Hate. You have to look between the lines, who is hidden with. It's not a beast. Is a man among the beasts.


Time! Time can not be wasted.You have to live life to the fullest.Live wath you have, wath has been given to you, because your time, is your Life.


The room is small.  The windows are large, but they are covered with dark  curtains, and no one has opened them to see that everything is so sunny outside.